Template:StoryArc The Library of Souls: Difference between revisions

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m bah, I did a lot of jumping between contacts, added partial mission
m →‎Missing Mission name: updated mission
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From Naomi's description, this Akarist sounds pretty powerful.  I'd suggest that you ready yourself in case he isn't willing to talk.
From Naomi's description, this Akarist sounds pretty powerful.  I'd suggest that you ready yourself in case he isn't willing to talk.

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Find Akarist, his coven|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Find Akarist, his coven|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You have defeated Akarist.  After the battle, you found a crumpled note tucked into his robes.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Message from Akarist|Text=This message is penned in a spidery hand.  It reads:
'Records show that I was a kind man once, though I can barely remember that now.  Perhaps that is why I have helped you more than I should.  The crystals you took are no mere baubles;  they are something far greater, and far more horrifying.  The knowledge I gave your researchers will point the way.
'Now that I have lived again and felt the sunlight once more, I realize that we cannot go on as we have.  And so I bring you the wisdom with which to fight the evil we have become.  Soon, you will comprehend the fate of all those flung into the abyssal void.  You will know the truth, and you will despair.

I hoped that Akarist was willing to leave the Circle, but that may have been too optimistic.  No one ever leaves the Circle.  This note he left you is so strange.  At least we can thank him for telling us how to unravel the protection spells on those crystals you found.  I'll check with [[MAGI]] and see if they've made any progress.

Revision as of 18:09, 24 August 2006

Template:Souvenir Note from Akarist

Mission name


I've got a mission for you. A librarian named Edgar Torvald was recently abducted y the Circle of Thorns. Torvald's been doing some research for the Midnight Squad, that group of academics who try to help the city's heroes with magical conundrums . They think that the Circle might have taken him because he was trying to map out the known areas of Oranbega, the sunken city the Circle calls home. Can you rescue Torvald before the Circle does away with him?

The Circle hates having people pry into their secrets. If you don't move quickly, Torvald probably won't last for long.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find Edgar Torvald

You found Edgar Torvald's body

Body of Edgar Torvald
Though there is no sign of violence, Edgar Torvald lies dead. You notice that he seems to have scratched a crude map into the lining of his jacket. Of particular interest is a room marked 'The Magic Library.'


There was nothing you could have done. Torvald was probably dead before anyone even knew he was missing. He did leave us a clue, though. He scratched a rough map on the inside of his jacket. This Magic Library he indicates might be worth checking out. It won't bring Torvald back, but it might let his death mean something.

Missing Mission name


Well, I've talked to all of the experts on Oranbega, and I've had them take a look at this map Torvald left us when he died. I think it may be possible to reach the map's Magic Library. If Torvald thought the place was important enough to record with his last moments, it bears investigation. Are you ready to pry into the secrets of the Magic Library?

The Circle of Thorns have made the lost city of Oranbega their home ever since Baron Zoria founded them back in the 20's. We've always thought that finding Oranbega might have been the key to the mystic might the Baron unlocked. Maybe this Magic library can tell us how he did it! Take anything you find to Azuria over at MAGI. She'll know how to put it to use.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate Magic Library
    • 3 crystals to find

You found several strange crystals in the Oranbegan Magic Library.

Glowing crystal
This crystal radiates light from each of its perfect geometric faces. It feels warm in your hands, and strangely heavy.
Shadowed crystal
The dark facets of this perfect geometric crystal are cold to the touch, and it seems to emanate a palpable aura of darkness. You can feel some sort of inscriptions on the crystal's surfaces, but the dark aura makes them impossible to read.
Inscribed crystal
This perfect geometric crystal sheds no light or warmth. Its surface is inscribed with numerous magical runes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take crystals to Azuria

Debriefing Azuria

I have felt the strange vibrations of these crystals ever since you brought them up from the ruins of Oranbega. They hold a great deal of energy, and are wrapped in layers of spells. I would guess that they are some sort of tool used in the Circle's magical training. Each crystal is a repository of knowledge. I will study them, and get my findings to StoryArc The Library of Souls at once.

I must tell you one more thing. You appeared in one of my visions last night. I see much danger in your future, as well as much opportunity. I do not know if it is for good or ill, I believe we shall learn a great deal about the Circle of Thorns.


MAGI is studying the artifacts you found in Oranbega's Magic Library. As soon as they know anything, they'll pass it along.

Rescue Naomi Hutchins


I just heard from Azuria. She hit a road block while trying to analyze those crystals you found in the Oranbegan Magic Library, so she called in a specialist: Naomi Hutchins, expert in geometric magics and earth sorceries. Trouble is, Naomi never showed up. She was kidnapped by the Circle before she even got to MAGI! I know it's a lot to ask, but someone must rescue Naomi Hutchins before the Circle makes sure she's never heard from again.

I'd hate to see Naomi end up like poor Edgar Torvald. We've got to get her back before the Circle can silence her with the same brutal tactics.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat kidnapper, his coven

You have rescued Naomi Hutchins and defeated her captors.

Naomi's story
When you rescued Naomi Hutchins, she told you:

'They were going to sacrifice me, but he saved me! Akarist! He's a Circle mystic, but for some reason he told the rest of them not to hurt me. Then he took me aside, and he told me about those strange crystals you found. He told me how to get past the defensive spells set upon them. I don't know why he saved me, but I'll never forget his kindness!

Notable NPCs

  • The Talon of Flame (Behemoth Lord)
  • Naomi Hutchins (Hostage)


Naomi Hutchins is safe at MAGI, thanks to you. She seems to have learned a lot from her time in the Circle's captivity. We may soon know more about those strange crystals you found. From the sound of her story, Naomi was saved by one of the Circle's own mages, this Akarist. Puzzling, Puzzling.

Missing Mission name


When you rescued Naomi Hutchins from the Circle of Thorns, she said she was protected by a Circle mystic named Akarist. If he really did save Naomi and tell her how to access those strange crystals you found, maybe he's trying to get that information to us. Maybe he's even looking to change sides. I've never heard of a Circle defector before; this could well be a first! I want you to find this Akarist and see if he's really on our side.

From Naomi's description, this Akarist sounds pretty powerful. I'd suggest that you ready yourself in case he isn't willing to talk.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find Akarist, his coven

You have defeated Akarist. After the battle, you found a crumpled note tucked into his robes.

Message from Akarist
This message is penned in a spidery hand. It reads:

'Records show that I was a kind man once, though I can barely remember that now. Perhaps that is why I have helped you more than I should. The crystals you took are no mere baubles; they are something far greater, and far more horrifying. The knowledge I gave your researchers will point the way.

'Now that I have lived again and felt the sunlight once more, I realize that we cannot go on as we have. And so I bring you the wisdom with which to fight the evil we have become. Soon, you will comprehend the fate of all those flung into the abyssal void. You will know the truth, and you will despair.



I hoped that Akarist was willing to leave the Circle, but that may have been too optimistic. No one ever leaves the Circle. This note he left you is so strange. At least we can thank him for telling us how to unravel the protection spells on those crystals you found. I'll check with MAGI and see if they've made any progress.