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{{Mission:A Matter of Honor - Finale: Act well your part; there all honor lies}}

Revision as of 00:25, 20 May 2012



Sir Bedwyr

Questing Knight
Zone Night Ward
Coordinates (2014, 44, -2432)
Level Range 30-35
Introduced By Ward
Introduces The Magician
v  d  e

Ward is a Praetorian contact in the Lamplight Junction neighborhood of Night Ward at coordinates (-2014, 44, -2432).  His level range is 30-35. Sir Bedwyr can be found 380 yards ESE of the Lamplight Juncion marker, in the center of the circular garden.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

There is no doubt to me that he is a powerful sorcerer, but I sensed in him a keen awareness of the calamity befalling the Night Ward and the realms of the living and the dead. He says he is waiting for someone, but did not say who. I believe it is you he waits for. If so, I can only hope it is so he can provide you with answers on how to stop the Black Queen and the Talons of Vengeance.

The Magician is a powerful entity. Some say he is a man, but any who have met him know otherwise. He knows things that cannot and should not be known. To deal with him is to walk the knife's edge. There will always be a price in blood, but unless one treads carefully, they will surely fall.


Questing Knight

Sir Bedwyr is a Black Knight, sworn to defend the Eternal Prison and contain the evil that lies within. He believes that a great evil threatens the Netherworld and seeks to breach the Eternal Prison, and his quest and vow to his brotherhood, will see this evil vanquished.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

I know you... Clarity told me about you, Character. I hear you are no friend of the Talons of Vengeance. That is good, we share a common foe.

  • On with the quest


  • Hail.
  • What word do you bring?
  • Well met.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

The Mansion is secure, but I will not rest until the Talons of Vengeance are stopped.

Too High Level

+++ Missing Information +++


Story Arc

+++ Missing Information +++ (30-35)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards ? Reward Merits.


Part One: An Audience by Proxy


The Black Knights are in great peril, outsider, and so it is with heavy heart that I ask for your help in saving my brothers from the darkness of the demons that fly on wings of ruin.

Had I not sacrificed my honor to save another's then Lorn would hear my words of warning and know them to be good and true, but instead I have been exiled to this half dimension. I have had to watch in silence as the Talons slowly corrupt and consume everything they touch. And now their hungry eyes have fallen upon my sword brothers. What honor I once had burns to come to their aid, but I cannot. I need your help to restore my honor and the honor of my order.

  • Our goals are aligned, Bedwyr. I will help you.

Pleased I am to know that madness and evil has not taken all that are exiled to this place between worlds.

I would ask you to seek audience with Lorn on my behalf. To show that outsiders also see the darkness overcoming the Order may well compel him, and my sword brothers, to cast off the darkness which blinds them.

As an outsider seeking to gain an audience with Lorn you will need someone to act as your proxy. As I am exiled from the Order I cannot function in this manner. There is, however, one who may help. In my time here I have encountered a Drudge by the name of Carlyle. While I find his motivations to be centered around greed and self advancement, he has proven a valuable informant to both myself, and Lorn. It was he that informed me that the Black Knights had arrived here in Night Ward, and also, that outsiders such as yourself had come.

It was through the living spell, Clarity that I learned that the outsiders opposed these Talons of Vengeance as well.

Bedwyr hangs his head in solemn memory for a moment

Once the Order is restored to its former glory, I will see to it that her sacrifice be remembered for all time.

Bedwyr returns his eyes to you.

Visit Taskmaster Carlyle

Unnecessary Solicitation

Carlyle has had dealings with Lorn and the Black Knights before. He can negotiate an audience for you, but know that he'll be seeking a way to earn profit off of the favor.

Mission Objective(s)


The souls of the dead have gathered in even more horrifying numbers here. The Drudges seem to be on the verge of panic.

  • Visit Taskmaster Carlyle
    • Talk to Taskmaster Carlyle

Carlyle needs your help in stopping the Talons of Vengeance from stealing souls that rightfully belong to him. If you help him recover the souls, he'll arrange a meeting for you with Lorn.


  • None

Notable NPCs

  • Taskmaster Carlyle (Drudges Boss)

Taskmaster Carlyle 

Taskmaster Carlyle: On the bright side, if we make it through this, we'll be soaking our toes in wax...

Drudges Chatter 

Patrolman: Continue to processing, service will be restored shortly, hup hup.
Patrolman: Move along, no arrivals at this time.

Taskmaster Carlyle


You've a lot of nerve comin' 'ere what with all the chaos your kind has brought. Spit your breath an' we'll 'ave a listen. Spend your breath wisely an' we'll deal. Waste my time an'... well... time is wax, chum, and at the moment you're simply worth more of it ta me dead!

  • I need an audience with Lorn.

Black Knights, hrmm? What makes you think they'll deal with an outsider like you?

  • Our problem is their problem. It's in your best interest to find a way for us to talk, cordially.
So... What the Black Knights seek 'ere in the Night Ward is responsible for our current interruption of service?
... Intriguing.
If what you say is true then perhaps it is in everyone's best interest ta work together... Until the current crisis is averted, of course.
  • Of course...
Ringing! Now then, I must press on this small matter of my compensation for my efforts.
Carlyle smiles a rotten toothy grin in your direction.
These Talons of Vengeance have proven ta be most vexing, stealin' souls that rightfully belong ta me... and The Taskmasters Office, of course. I ask that you only 'elp me deal with them before more profits are lost.
We both win: You gain in weakenin' your hated foe, while I retain possession of the souls which are rightfully mine.
Do we have a settlement upon our affairs?
  • We do.
Splendid! I'll speak with Lord Lorn an' secure the audience you seek. Meanwhile, you deal with the Talon thieves and bring back the souls that are rightfully mine.
One addition. Know this, outsider. I do not take kindly to those whose deeds do not match their claims. If I smell betrayal at any point, you will suffer mightily.
The location of the meeting will favor Lorn and his Black Knights. I'll not dribble my wax any further for you than this. Prove yourself, and I'll consider adjustin' the boundaries of our association.
  • You need not worry, Carlyle, everything is well in hand.
  • Don't make me tell you twice.
Ask. Tell. It makes no difference ta me, outsider.
I'll secure you an audience with Lord Lorn, but you'd best mind your tongue wit' 'im, or he'll make certain it is removed along with your 'ead!
First, however, I require of you a favor in exchange for this... service.
  • Betray me, Carlyle, and it will be your head at my feet.
Shrewd. I enjoy that.
I have a matter involvin' our shared enemy - The Talons of Vengeance. They 'ave seen fit ta steal souls, rightfully belongin' ta The Taskmasters Office, an' they're costin' us quite a bit of wax doin' it.
Now, unless I judged you wrong, I believe you would simply excel in sendin' them a message that lets them know just how unwelcome such behavior is.
  • Just tell me where to find them and I'll do your dirty work, Carlyle.
I'll speak with Lorn and secure you the audience you seek while you deal with the thieves an' bring me back my souls!
Just so there aren't any surprises, know this. The location of the meetin' will favor Lorn and 'is Black Knights. Even I cannot cultivate enough favor amongst 'im an' 'is Order ta say otherwise. It is, I'm afraid, the best that I can do.
  • I'll worry about Lorn, you worry about me.
Carlyle Doesn't Like You
You threatened Carlyle into working for you and you gather that he didn't like that very much. Whether he can do anything about it is another story.

The Meeting Place
Carlyle agreed to set up a meeting between you and Lord Lorn of the Black Knights. He cautioned, however, that the location would favor them.
Stop the Talons from stealing souls

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Talons must be preparing for something big. If you can cultivate favor with Carlyle and simultaneously stall the efforts of the Talons, then all the better.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: Flooded_Office_45_Layout_05_01

Waves of suffering emanating from within this building threaten to overwhelm your senses.

  • Stop the Talons from stealing souls
    • 10 stolen souls to rescue
    • Stop the Talons Leaders

You rescued the souls stolen from Carlyle by the traitor Burke and the Talons of Vengeance, thus securing your audience with Lorn.


Talons of Vengeance

Notable NPCs

  • Taskmaster Burke (Drudges Boss)

Stolen Souls Dialogue 

Stolen Soul: I... am... free...

Talons Leaders Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Taskmaster Burke: I delivered the souls, now 'and over the wax you promised.
Oracle: I never said wax, Burke, I said you would not have to fear death.

Combat Start:

Oracle: You were followed!?
Taskmaster Burke: Guess I delivered a few extra ta ya, eh?

First Blood:

Taskmaster Burke: You were a fool ta come 'ere, Outsider.

75% Health:

Taskmaster Burke: This was bound ta happen, I just did it first.

50% Health:

Taskmaster Burke: Carlyle is a greedy git, he's just jealous he didn't think of it.

25% Health:

Taskmaster Burke: You don't understand, I need this!

Upon Defeat:

Taskmaster Burke: No, not the true death! NOOO!

You defeated the Talons and discovered that they were working with a Drudge Taskmaster named Burke.

An anxious group of Drudge Spirit Guides take the souls and lead them back to the Lamplight Junction transit station for processing.

Meet with Lorn

Sir Bedwyr


It appears that Carlyle's honor has held, he has indeed arranged a meeting with Lorn. Character, understand that it would be unwise for you to mention me to Lorn. If you do it is unlikely he will listen to a single word you have to say. It would be best for you to tell him only what you know of the Talons and their plan to open the Eternal Prison. Anything more may jeopardize your life.

  • Understood.

There is no guarantee that Lorn will listen to you. He has the entire Order to worry about and he likely believes that your concerns are well beneath his notice or care. Should he dismiss your words before they can be spoken then you must force the matter by calling a Trial by Steel. If you claim victory, then honor demands that your words be both spoken and heard.

  • Right, Trial by Steel, got it.

Be careful, Character. My sword brothers will follow Lorn's orders without question. If the Talons have influence over him, his honor may be compromised.

When you are ready to head to the Black Knight encampment I will tell you the way.

  • "I'm ready." (Enter Mission)

Mission Objective(s)


The very air of Night Ward seems to have succumbed to the domineering presence of the Black Knights.

  • Meet with Lorn
    • Speak with Lorn
    • Defeat Pendragon
    • Speak with Lorn again

You convinced the Black Knights, through words and swords, that your warning is to be trusted. Lorn has tasked you with discovering proof of the Talon plot to breach the Eternal Prison.


The Black Knights

Notable NPCs

  • Lord Lorn (Boss)
  • The Black Queen (Boss)
  • Pendragon (Boss)

Lord Lorn Dialogue 

Upon Approach:

The Black Queen: Ah, he / she looks powerful...
Lord Lorn: The Outsider comes to speak.

Lord Lorn


Carlyle of the Taskmasters has convinced me that there is wisdom in granting you audience. Speak your wisdom then.

  • (Explain the Talons' plot to open the Eternal Prison.)

Enough, Outsider. The Eternal Prison is impregnable and in no danger from the swords of the Furies or any other. I was wrong to trust Carlyle's forked tongue. Your words are empty and without wisdom.

  • Listen to me, Lorn. It is folly to underestimate the Talons...

Listen to you?

Listen to YOU?!

Have you even listened to me?! Let alone your own ravings?!

This matter is done, I shall hear no more of it! Your welcome here is overstayed, Outsider. Be gone and do not speak your empty words to me again.

Take him / her away.

  • I call for a Trial by Steel.

The Trial? Hmmmm, perhaps there is more wisdom in you than meets the eye, Outsider.

It seems Carlyle knows our ways better than I thought...

Very well! Though you are not a Knight of the Eternal Order I respect your wishes.

We shall see whether your words have any weight to them...

  • Very well.

Who amongst my brave Knights shall face the Outsider?

  • (Look silently amongst the Knights.)


I shall face the Outsider, my Lord.

  • Does this Knight meet your approval, Lord Lorn?

Sir Pendragon, the honor is yours.
Prepare yourself, Outsider, and let the Trail of Steel begin.
  • I am ready.
  • Are there none who dare meet my challenge?


Look upon me and know that I am Sir Pendragon, born of death, Black Knight of the Eternal Order, sworn protector of the Eternal Prison, Shield of the Black Queen, and oathsworn to Lord Lorn - the Black Warden of the Eternal Prison.

I shall meet your challenge, Outsider, and we shall see if you are made of more than words.

  • Look who's talking.

After Battle:

Go forth then, Outsider. If you are so eager to prove that these hellspawned snakewomen are a threat to my Knights or the Eternal Prison then go forth and do not return until you have proof.

  • (Leave)

Black Knights Dialogue 

Armiger: Character? Lord Lorn awaits you. Break our hospitality and you will die. Until then, no harm will come to you.

Before Combat:

Lord Lorn: The Outsider comes to speak.
The Black Queen: Ah, he / she looks powerful...
Lord Lorn: Carlyle of the Taskmasters has convinced me that there is wisdom in granting you audience.
Lord Lorn: Speak your wisdom then.
The Black Queen: Ha, what is this madness she is speaking?
Lord Lorn: Enough, Outsider.
Lord Lorn: The Eternal Prison is impregnable and in no danger from the swords of the Furies or any other.
Lord Lorn: I was wrong to trust Carlyle's forked tongue.
Lord Lorn: Your words are empty and without wisdom.
Lord Lorn: Listen to you?
Lord Lorn: Listen to YOU?!
Lord Lorn: Have you even listened to me?!
Lord Lorn: Let alone your own ravings?!
Lord Lorn: This matter is done, I shall hear no more of it!
Lord Lorn: Your welcome here is overstayed, Outsider.
Lord Lorn: Be gone and do not speak your empty words to me again.
Lord Lorn: Take her away.
The Black Queen: What?
Lord Lorn: The Trial?
Eternal Guard: What did he / she say?
Eternal Guard: A Trial by Steel?
Eternal Guard: Huh?
Eternal Guard: Did he / she just...
Lord Lorn: Hmmmm, perhaps there is more wisdom in you than meets the eye, Outsider.
Lord Lorn: It seems Carlyle knows our ways better than I thought...
Lord Lorn: Very well! Though you are not a Knight of the Eternal Order I respect your wishes.
Lord Lorn: We shall see whether your words have any weight to them...
Lord Lorn: Who amongst my brave Knights shall face the Outsider?
Eternal Guard: Not me...
Eternal Guard: He / She looks strong...
Eternal Guard: Not I.
Eternal Guard: ...Too strong..
Pendragon: Look upon me and know that I am Sir Pendragon
Pendragon: Born of death, Black Knight of the Eternal Order, sworn protector of the Eternal Prison, Shield of the Black Queen, and oathsworn to Lord Lorn - the Black Warden.
Pendragon: I shall meet your challenge, Outsider, and we shall see if you are made of more than words.
Pendragon: The crucible of battle will leave only truth and ashes, which are you made of?

Combat Start:

Lord Lorn: This will be a welcome distraction.
The Black Queen: Pendragon has never lost a duel.

75% Health:

Pendragon: A fine hit.

50% Health:

The Black Queen: My Lord, what is he doing?
Lord Lorn: Pendragon. Enough toying with the Outsider. Begin the trial.
Pendragon: As you wish, my lord.

25% Health:

The Black Queen: Pendragon, be careful.
Lord Lorn: Observe, Brothers.
Pendragon: I should not have underestimated you.
Lord Lorn: Sir Pendragon has a match on his hands.

Upon Defeat:

The Black Queen: Pendragon!
Lord Lorn: Magnificent. I have longed to see such combat for some time.
Lord Lorn: There is more to you than I suspected, Character.
Lord Lorn: Go forth then, Outsider.
Lord Lorn: If you are so eager to prove that these hellspawned snakewomen are a threat to my Knights or the Eternal Prison then go forth and do not return until you have proof.


You passed the Trial by Steel? Against Pendragon?!

Excellent work! Perhaps Lorn and the Black Knights are not in danger as I'd feared. We shall search for solid proof of this Talons plot and then Lorn will surely listen.

I know not what the Talons are planning to accomplish by turning the souls of the dead into more of their agents of suffering, but it must have something to do with their plan to open the Eternal Prison. I believe that only you can help me stop this madness, Character.

Like Clarity, I am honored to know you, Character. From this moment forth, you are my Sword Brother / Sword Sister. If ever you need to send word to me, you can send a message by hellraven, they'll know how to find me.

  • On with the quest.

Part Two: Changing of the Guard


We must find proof of the Talons plot to breach the Eternal Prison. If we can provide that, then Lorn will have no choice but to turn the might of the Black Knights against them. I believe I know someone who will be able to help you track the Talons down.

  • Oh yeah, who's that?

His name is Githredeon, and he is a Spirit Stalker, a deadly spirit that hunts the souls of the dead.

I saved his life from the Talons, I have no doubt that he'll be looking for an opportunity to pay back his debt as quickly as possible. The spirit stalkers are loathe to owe anyone anything. They take what they need and exist only for the hunt. The only thing they respect is strength.

Talk to Githredeon

Unnecessary Solicitation

Find Githredeon, he'll know how to track the Talons down.



I smell the brimstone on you, Outsider... But you're no Black Knight...

  • One sent me to find you... Bedwyr.

Calling on my debt to him... fine... what's your quarry?

  • The Talons of Vengeance, I need help tracking them down.

Talons, huh? Heh... You did right coming to me.

I've hunted Talons... Dangerous prey... But you want more than just to hunt them... Don't you?

  • I believe they are planning on corrupting the Black Knights.

Black Knights... heh... Funny that. A contingent made out of their camp for the Vale not an hour ago.

If they aren't corrupted already, they soon will be. That siren song sings and fwip they'll turn on each other.

Turned my hounds on me ... I had to put 'em down. Only me and Three Jaguar's left...

I got no love for the Talons... and no love of the Vale either. This's your hunt... and I'll leave you to it.

  • Fine, where did they go?

Some caves throughout the Vale... Talons all over this one.

Githredeon draws you a rudimentary map on a piece of hide.

I think it's some sort of nest... wouldn't go there if I were you.

Heh, but then again, I'm not, am I?

  • No, you aren't. Thanks for the tip.

Track down the Talons

Unnecessary Solicitation

Githredeon is an expert tracker. If he says the Talons are in the Howling Vale, then that is where they are.

Mission Objective(s)


Heavy booted footprints lead deeper into the cavern.

  • Find the Black Knights
    • Stop the interrogation

You discovered a plot involving someone within the Black Knights and the Talons of Vengeance.


Talons of Vengeance

Talons of Vengeance Chatter 

Before Combat:

Harpy: How considerate of them to deliver fresh meat!

Combat Start:

Harpy: Tonight we feast!

Before Combat:

Harpy: Such fools, do they not understand that we are doom incarnate?

Combat Start:

Harpy: Ah, more servants of the oathbreaker!

Before Combat:

Dread Templar: We were instructed to bring you this message creature, nothing more.
Siren: Very loyal of you...
Siren: Now die!
Dread Templar: Gah!

Combat Start:

Siren: More lambs to the slaughter!

75% Health:

Siren: Why resist the inevitable?

50% Health:

Siren: If you will not die gracefully, then I guess you will have to die messily!

Upon Defeat:

Siren: You... Cannot... Stop us... All... Gah!

An Incriminating Letter From...?
This message will have reached you by warriors of the Eternal Order loyal to me. Slay them.

We alone must keep the secret of my discovery.

I deigned it too hazardous to contact the Talons in any other way, for to do so would undoubtably reveal the truth of my allegience and jeopardize everything we have done here. The Eternal Order searches Night Ward in vain for Black Swan, and already its ranks are starting to fray. Orders are being questioned and several Knights have already abandoned their posts. Just as I planned.

In the chaos I have learned of the locations for the remaining keys.

You must gather your sisters and begin your search for Silence. The Oracles of Earth will be most helpful in discovering its location. Meanwhile, I will continue my task of recovering Love and Justice from within the Eternal Order.

Once these are acquired we will move on Dream and then Name, leaving only Death as the seventh and final key.

Do not alert the Midnighters to our efforts. That they survived the attack complicates things enough, in addition to the meddlings of Character. He / She is already searching for links between the Talons and the Eternal Order. It would be best for us to avoid any further confrontations with him / her until all of the keys are ours.

Bring back proof to Bedwyr

Unnecessary Solicitation

We have much to discuss, please see me face to face.

Sir Bedwyr


This is most concerning, Character. The Black Knights appear to be working of their own free will, but are following orders from within. I do not know who is issuing these orders, but I do not recognize the hand that wrote this letter. The letter mentions that there are other Black Knights that are starting to question their orders from Lorn.

They are starting to see as I do and have grown concerned enough to do something about it. We must find them and rally them together at once, before Lorn declares them traitors and sends the rest of the order out to hunt them down. No doubt this is what the Talons seek.

I believe that if we can rally the Knights together then we can uncover the mastermind behind this sinister plot. Taskmaster Carlyle may yet again prove his worth. Seek him out and discover what he knows about the whereabouts of my sword brothers.

Ask Carlyle about the errant Knights

Unnecessary Solicitation

Taskmaster Carlyle is an invaluable source of information. If some of my sword brothers have abandoned their posts, Carlyle will no doubt know where they can be found.

Mission Objective(s)


A hint of brimstone and oiled metal betrays the presence of the Black Knights here.

  • Ask Carlyle about the errant Knights
    • Find Taskmaster Carlyle
    • Talk to Carlyle

You rescued Carlyle from the Black Knights and their declaration of martial law on the Drudges here in Night Ward. To repay you, Carlyle has told you everything he knows about the rogue Knights that his Drudges have heard about in Night Ward.


The Black Knights

Notable NPCs

  • Taskmaster Carlyle (Hostage)
  • Dread Templar (Boss)

Dread Templar Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Dread Templar: The Taskmaster's Office works for us now, taskmaster.
Taskmaster Carlyle: Enough! You've made your point, just put your swords away and let's talk like civilized folk.
Dread Templar: And you will address me as 'sir'.

Combat Start:

Dread Templar: Ah, Pendragon's vanquisher is here.
Taskmaster Carlyle: Character! No, you'll just make them angry again!

First Blood:

Dread Templar: Good, I look forward to testing my steel!

Upon Defeat:

Dread Templar: Things are getting out of hand.

Ambush Dialogue

Eternal Guard: Halt!
Black Feather: Halt!
Eternal Guard: Halt!

Taskmaster Carlyle


Why, thank you, Character. I don't know what's happened, but the Black Knights have declared martial law over the Night Ward, and what's worse, they've fired the entire Taskmasters Office!

  • That's unfortunate, but I need your help now.

Help? You need my help? Pah! If anyone needs help it's me! I'm nothing without my job, nothing I say!

  • Help me and the Black Knights will leave.

Leave? What do you mean, leave? Like, forever?

Why, that would be dandy. What can I do?

  • Some Black Knights abandoned the Order, help me find them.

Ah ha... I like how you think, Character. Start a bit of a war within their own ranks, eh? Quite clever...

  • Carlyle, do you know or not?

Oh, of course I know! It pays to keep your ear close to the dirt I always say. But... how much is it worth to you?

  • I just saved your life, how much is that worth to you?

I wasn't in any real danger...

Carlyle smiles at you and then frowns.

Alright! Fine, fine. You did save me from torture and a slow, rotting decay. Your goals are also in line with my own, at least, as far as either of us can tell...

I've heard that four well respected Knights have left the Order and are questing across the Night Ward, or some such rubbish. I have it whistled down here somewhere.

Carlyle pats at his pockets before smiling satisfactorily and producing a small wooden recorder which he places to his lips and blows through lightly. The device repeats the report made to him by one of his underlings.

Sir Lucane is in The City of Souls seeking the Animus Arcana.

Sir Emric and those loyal to him are rumored to have traveled into the earth beneath The Digs to fight the Talons of Vengeance.

Sir Agnan and his squire were last heard from awaiting audience with the Taskmaster's Office.

Carlyle lowers the recorder and smiles.

That's all that I've heard.

  • That'll do Carlyle. That'll do.

Now stick up to your end of the bargain and undo this madness you Outsiders have plagued us with. First we can't make shipments, and now we've been downsized. The Taskmaster's Office will not get involved with a war, Character. The sooner one side or the other has the decency to die, the sooner things can get back to normal around here!

  • Always a pleasure, Carlyle.

Go and find the Black Knights and get this over with. Until then, I'm finding myself a nice cozy place to lay low until this all blows over. I'd suggest you do the same, but you're the one who's got to fix this mess.

  • Always a pleasure, really.


My word. Only Lorn could have declared martial law. Whatever deception is being orchestrated around Lorn is worse than I could imagine. To drive away his own sword brothers and then declare martial law on the Drudges. Whoever is behind this is manipulating him keenly. We must hurry to rally my brothers. Only by standing together will Lorn see that he has no choice but to listen to our words and together discover he who is not our brother.

  • On with the quest.

Part Three: In Need of a Hero


If we are to stop Lorn and the Talons, we will need help from the other Knights who have left the Order. Carlyle told you the last places where his Drudges reported seeing them. I think we should find Sir Lucane first.

  • Lucane is in the Arcane Quarter seeking the Animus Arcana

I'm not sure what Sir Lucane hopes to accomplish with the living spells, but no doubt he believes that they can be coerced into being allies against the Talons.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I know not what Lucane seeks from the Animus Arcana. From my time knowing Clarity I know that not all of them shared her keen vision of peace.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: Abandoned_Warehouse_45_Layout_04_01

This place is swarming with living spells.

  • Recruit Sir Lucane
    • Find Sir Lucane

You found Sir Lucane amongst the Animus Arcana.


Animus Arcana

Notable NPCs

The Truth About Everything 

Before Combat:

Watcher: ...and what they've got set up is nothin' short ov' an oppressive, corporate-run, government entity that takes all the wax fer demselves and leaves the lower classes wif noffin'.

Begin Combat:

The Truth About Everything: Intruder! Intruder! Don't let it hurt me!
Watcher: Who's this crazy weezer think he / she is?

Life Altering Literature 

Before Combat:

Sir Lucane: Yes, yes, I see that now.

Begin Combat:

Life Altering Literature: Stop attacking! Stop! Lucane, talk some sense into this creature... Please.
Sir Lucane: No... Stop fighting... Please!

Upon Defeat:

Sir Lucane: I am free... Thank you!

Sir Lucane


The Animus Arcana need my help. The Talons of Vengeance are hunting them and I have sworn to do everything I can to protect my new spell friends.

  • Are you sure they aren't mind controlling you?
Mind control? Nonsense. The Animus Arcana are kind and gentle creatures. They would never do such a thing.
  • Well, I guess they do need your protection.
Thank you, through them I have found a calling worthy of my abilities.
The fate of Sir Lucane
You left Sir Lucane with the Animus Arcana to help defend them from the Talons of Vengeance, seeing that they needed his help more than you did.
Thank you for understanding the plight of others, brave hero. The Animus Arcana need my help more than you do. I am sure you can find others to aid you in your quest, but for now, my quest ends here.
  • Fine, we do this the hard way, then.
No, please, don't...
  • Attack the Animus Arcana
  • You're under their spell, Lucane!
Under their spell? The only spell I am under is the spell of eternal friendship! These are my friends and they need my help. Now, if you aren't going to be courteous I will have to ask you to leave.
  • Well, I guess they do need your protection.
Thank you, through them I have found a calling worthy of my abilities.
The fate of Sir Lucane
You left Sir Lucane with the Animus Arcana to help defend them from the Talons of Vengeance, seeing that they needed his help more than you did.
Thank you for understanding the plight of others, brave hero. The Animus Arcana need my help more than you do. I am sure you can find others to aid you in your quest, but for now, my quest ends here.
  • Fine, we do this the hard way, then.
No, please, don't...
  • Attack the Animus Arcana


I'm afraid that Sir Lucane cannot be in two places at once. It is comfort enough to know that he seeks to stop the Talons. Whether he helps to redeem his brothers or chooses to defend those who cannot defend themselves, good will be done.

  • On with the quest.

Part Four: A Worthy Host


We are few in number, Character. If we are to show Lorn that the Order is in danger, we must do so with the backing of many sword brothers. I believe Sir Emric was seen leading a host of knights into the earth beneath The Digs, no doubt to seek out the Talons and destroy them before they can spread. I suspect that they may be marching to their doom if you do not aid them.

  • I will bring back as many of them as I can.

Thank you, Character. I know I ask much of you, but you also understand me like no other, for you know the destruction the Talons are capable of first hand. Had I my sword I would go with you and fight at your side, but alas, my exile took both blade and shield. If I am to reclaim them then first I must reclaim my honor.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I believe Sir Emric may have lead his host of knights into a trap. Find Emric and let him know that he does not fight alone.

Mission Objective(s)


Waves of malice ripple through the air in this hateful place.

  • Find Sir Emric and his host
    • Rescue Sir Emric

You rescued Sir Emric, aiding him and his Knights in the annihilation of a great many Talons of Vengeance!


Talons of Vengeance

Notable NPCs

  • Gorgon (Elite Boss)
  • Sir Lucane (Lt. Ally)
  • Sir Emric

Talons of Vengeance Chatter 

Upon Entry:

Sir Lucane: My brothers are in grave danger, Character, we must hurry!

Before Combat:

Huntress: Let none survive! Let none escape!

Upon Defeat:

Black Feather: The others pressed on, we must join them.

Before Combat:

Huntress: Bones for the nest, blood for the offering!

Upon Defeat:

Black Feather: Sir Emric took the rest of the Knights further in, we must hurry!

Upon Black Knights Defeating Enemy:

Black Feather: Fight to the death, sword brothers!
Black Feather: If this be the end then let it be a glorious one!

Upon Talons Defeat:

Black Feather: I'll not let my sword brothers die here against creatures such as this!
Eternal Guard: They came out of nowhere!

Before Combat:

Huntress: There is no escape for you, Knight of the Eternal Order!

Upon Defeat:

Eternal Guard: Our brothers need us!
Eternal Guard: CHARGE!

Before Combat:

Banshee: Die!

Upon Defeat:

Eternal Guard: Rally!
Eternal Guard: Rally!
Eternal Guard: Sir Emric kept pressing forward, seeking the leader of these Talon witches!
Black Feather: This place must be cleansed!

Gorgon: Sssoon the Black Queen will open the Eternal Prissson!
Sir Emric: I will never yield!
Gorgon: Your coming here wasss foretold.
Gorgon: Asss wasss your death!

50% Health:

Sir Emric: Gah!

Sir Emric
You rescued Sir Emric from the end of a Gorgon's blade, and saved many of his men from being devoured and turned by the Talons of Vengeance!
Threat of the Black Queen's Death
The Gorgon who had nearly killed Sir Emric taunted you with the knowledge that the Black Queen would soon open the Eternal Prison for them. If this is true, then knowledge of this will surely prompt Lorn to rally the Black Knights against the Talons.


Sir Emric and the Knights who survived the battle with the Talons have joined our cause, Character. He assured me that had your arrival not been so timely, that he would have met his end upon a Gorgon's blade!

He also gave me these, the blade and shield of a fallen sword brother. I accepted them out of respect for all that Emric and his men sacrificed, but I also made a vow that I would not draw steel until I was made a Knight of the Eternal Order once again...

I'm not sure what to make of the words of a Talon, but threatening the death of the Black Queen will certainly aid us in turning Lorn to our side.

I would be honored if you were to accept the honorary title of Knight Penitent. I could not have done any of this without you, Character. You have my eternal gratitude.

  • On with the quest.

Part Five: Wisdom and Strength


We have numbers, we have strength, now we need a battle captain.

Sir Agnan is one of our oldest brothers in the Order, and many were trained by him. In keeping with that proud tradition he has recently taken on a squire.

Find Agnan and his squire and determine if they will join us in opposing Lorn and revealing to him the traitor in his midst.

  • Agnan is seeking audience with the Taskmaster's Office

Then he must be close. Be careful, though. While the Drudges despair over the Black Knights taking control of their operation, they look out only for themselves. Turning you in may seem a more profitable path to them than opposing Lorn and the Black Knights.

Find Sir Agnan and his Squire

Unnecessary Solicitation

Do not underestimate the Drudges, Character. Not all of them are as eager to help you as Carlyle.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: Abandoned_Office_30_Layout_15

You hope that the dead Black Knight here isn't Sir Agnan or his squire.

  • Find Sir Agnan and his Squire
    • Find Sir Agnan and his Squire
    • Rescue Sir Agnan!
    • Defeat Carlyle and the Black Knights
    • Question Carlyle

Carlyle's betrayal has lead Lorn's Black Knights straight to Sir Bedwyr, you must warn him!



Notable NPCs

  • Scarlet (Black Knight Ally)

Drudges Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Watcher: Well, we got 'im in custody, just gotta find the girl now.
Patrolman: Aye, there dead alright, sir.

Combat Start:

Watcher: Snuff snuff...
Watcher: It's the Outsider!

Before Combat:

Patrolman: And you'll stay down if'n ya know what's good for ya.
Watcher: Shush!
Watcher: A stinker's 'ere, boss.

Upon Rescuing Scarlet:

Scarlet: My thanks. The Drudges betrayed us. I tried to go for help as Sir Agnan ordered, but they caught me.

Upon Defeat:

Scarlet: I... Will not... Yield!

Before Combat:

Taskmaster: Once Carlyle returns with more Knights you'll be singing a different tune!
Sir Agnan: Carlyle will pay for his treachery!
Watcher: You 'ear that thrumpin'?
Watcher: Dere's an outsider nearby!

Upon Freeing Sir Agnan:

Taskmaster Carlyle: Come quickly, the traitor, Agnan, is here, in our custody!
Black Warden: Lead the way, worm, but know this, that if you are lying then you will live out the last of your wax in a crow's cage!
Taskmaster Carlyle: No! No! Stop Character, he / she is trying to free Agnan!
Black Warden: Seize them!

Upon Defeat:

Taskmaster Carlyle: I yield, I yield!

Upon Sir Agnan Defeat:

Sir Agnan: Death... Before... Dis...honor...

Taskmaster Carlyle


Please don't kill me!

  • I'm not going to kill you, Carlyle.
What? I mean... You aren't?
  • No, but I want you to tell me everything.
Of course, yes, everything! Right...
Well... After we talked last I had a litt'l visit from Lord Lorn. He had a hunch you'd been chattin' wit Bedwyr... I mean, how else would you 'ave known 'bout the Knights ways and to demand a Trial by Steel?
By the by, jolly good defeatin' Pendragon...
At any rate, Lorn figured that, since I was your proxy, that I must know Bedwyr as well...
  • Oh no...
He made me an offer I simply could not refuse, see...
I'm dreadfully sorry, Character, but the Black Knights are already on their way to Bedwyr as we speak.
  • You get to live this time, Carlyle.
Oh thank you, I promise I will never betray you ever again!
  • No, Carlyle, I'm sorry...
You... You're sorry? Whatever for?
  • Because I lied. (Kill Carlyle)
  • Because if Bedwyr dies, you will have to live with that guilt.
Oh thank you, I promise I will never betray you ever again!
  • Then choose your next words very carefully, Carlyle!
I'm... Sorry?
  • How long have you been working for Lorn and the Black Knights?
Not long, I swear it! I hate those guys, er, present company excluded.
Listen, Lorn forced me to do it. I didn't want to but he forced me!
  • Forced you to do what you miserable puke!?
Lorn figured out that we both knew Bedwyr. He made me tell 'im where he's hidin' out 'ere in Night Ward...
Please don't kill me.
  • You get to live this time, Carlyle.
Oh thank you, I promise I will never betray you ever again!
  • (Leave)
  • Time to die, Carlyle. (Kill him)

Scarlet, Sir Agnan's Squire
Scarlet is Sir Agnan's Squire, a fiery young Black Knight who is eager to prove herself and make Sir Agnan proud.
Warn Bedwyr

Unnecessary Solicitation

Character, there is something you should see. Come speak to me directly.

Sir Bedwyr


What?! The Black Knights are on their way here?!

  • I'm afraid so, we have to get you out of here.

Bedwyr's hand instinctively goes to his blade.

There's no time, Character! Though I dread drawing steel against my sword brothers, I see no other choice.

  • Right! (Enter Mission)

Mission Objective(s)


Someone approaches!

  • Warn Bedwyr
    • Talk to Bedwyr
    • Fight off the Black Knights
    • Defeat Pendragon
    • Talk to Pendragon

You fought off the Black Knights and saved Bedwyr, but Pendragon is now convinced that Lorn plans to kill the Black Queen.


The Black Knights

Notable NPCs

  • Pendragon (Boss)
Sir Bedwyr Dialogue 

Sir Bedwyr: My sword brothers approach and they are in no mood to parley!

Sir Bedwyr


You need not die defending me, Character, run while you still can.

  • I'm not leaving you.
I am honored that you would choose to fight by my side.
We'll attack them, it's the last thing they'll expect.
  • Right, we'll attack together!
  • Tempting, but I'm not afraid of these guys.
I am honored that you would choose to fight by my side.
We'll attack them, it's the last thing they'll expect.
  • Right, we'll attack together!

Black Knights Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Black Warden: The time for your judgment is upon you.

Combat Start:

Black Warden: It's time to wipe clean the stain you left on Lorn's honor, Bedwyr!

Before Combat:

Armiger: You cannot win!

Combat Start:

Armiger: There's nowhere to run!

Before Combat:

Black Chevalier: You're surrounded, Bedwyr!

Combat Start:

Black Chevalier: There's the traitor and the Outsider is with him!
Black Chevalier: Get them!

Pendragon Battle Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Pendragon: I've come for you, my old friend!
Pendragon: I've come to set things right, one way or the other!
Sir Bedwyr: Pendragon, no... Not you too...

Combat Start:

Pendragon: Bedwyr!
Pendragon: Bedwyr... I'm sorry, brother...
Pendragon: ...I have no choice but to kill you now...
Sir Bedwyr: I... I'm too weak to fight on...

75% Health:

Pendragon: By Lorn's decree, and my honor, you must die!
Sir Bedwyr: Don't do this, brother!
Sir Bedwyr: Lorn has been driven mad by the Talon witches!

50% Health:

Pendragon: Victory or death, my honor will not be stained!
Sir Bedwyr: There is a path that requires neither victory or death, brother!
Sir Bedwyr: Just listen!
Sir Bedwyr: ...

25% Health:

Pendragon: I... I can't do it...
Sir Bedwyr: Pendragon...
Pendragon: I cannot kill my sword brother...
Pendragon: You are the victor...
Pendragon: Honor demands that I die by your sword...
Sir Bedwyr: There is no victory to be had...
Sir Bedwyr: No... Do not say such things, brother. I do not wish your life and never have!



Bedwyr... How did things come to this?

Lorn branded you a traitor and a coward, yet here you are displaying the honor and loyalty that I have always remembered you by.

The very same honor which forced you in exile and saved the queen's honor, and my own.

And in your company is Character, a warrior who has bested me in battle once before as well. Who brought your words to Lorn when you could not. Surely your words must hold truth to invite an Outsider to risk his / her life to pass them along for you.

  • Pendragon, the Talons can not be trusted...


Listen to Character, Pendragon. The Talons of Vengeance plot not only to corrupt Lorn, but all of the Black Knights.

  • The Talons plot to open the Eternal Prison.

That cannot be allowed to come to pass! The Eternal Prison dare not be opened!

Why would Lorn wish to ally with such beings? How can he not see their intent?

  • His heart may already have been corrupted by their siren song...

Impossible! Lorn is the strongest of us. He has served as the Black Warden of the Eternal Order for time immemorable. He was the first of us, and he will be the last...

  • Then why send you to kill Bedwyr? What threat is he to Lorn?


I stained Lorn's honor and the honor of the Black Queen... It was only by Pendragon's word that my life was spared...

  • Stained his honor? Just a moment ago Pendragon praised your honor.

And his honor remains true, for the stain is truly mine to bear. Bedwyr took my dishonor upon himself and sacrificed his place amongst the Black Knights to save me.

The Queen took pity on Bedwyr that day. She begged Lorn to exile him instead of take his soul. She repaid her debt to you that day as best she could, old friend, but I never could.

Until Lorn asked for one to hunt you down. I volunteered, so that I might repay my half of the debt as well. But the truth is, at the time, I knew not whether I did so to save you, or to send our secret with you into oblivion...

I'm sorry, brother, but this dishonor is too great for me to bear any longer... Your name must be restored!

  • Wait a second... the Talons were talking about the Black Queen.

What? Tell me, Character, what did the Talons say of the Queen?

  • The Black Queen is somehow integral to their plans.

Then she is in grave danger!

Pendragon turns toward Bedwyr briefly.

Brother, I must try to save her. Do not try to stop me.

  • (Let Pendragon go.)

Pendragon Leaving Dialogue 

Pendragon: Word of your death, Bedwyr, will reveal the true motives of Lorn...
Pendragon: My honor is already tarnished for I failed to follow Lorn's wishes.
Pendragon: The only way to redeem myself is to see the honor of the Knights restored.

Pendragon and the Black Queen
You learned that Sir Bedwyr choose to take blame for the Black Queen's suspected affair than to let Pendragon be dishonored. The Queen begged Lorn to spare Bedwyr's life, leading him into exile. All this time, Bedwyr has carried a stain on his honor that was not really his, and Pendragon sought to free him of that guilt by either slaying him, or being slain by him.

Though Pendragon was bested, Bedwyr spared his life. However, when Pendragon learned that the Talons had plans for the Black Queen, he raced off to save his love and confront Lorn with the truth.



Finale: Act well your part; there all honor lies


We have no choice but to confront Lorn now, before Pendragon gets himself killed.

There is no time to gather the other Knights. Come, Character!

  • "I'm ready!" (Enter Mission)

Mission Objective(s)


The Black Knight encampment is alive with activity

  • Confront Lorn
    • Catch up with Pendragon
    • Stop Lorn!
    • Defeat the Black Knights
    • Hear the Black Queen

You saved Pendragon's life, but Lord Lorn was betrayed and killed by the Black Queen who you discovered is working with the Talons of Vengeance.


The Black Knights

Notable NPCs

  • Lord Lorn (Boss)

Sir Bedwyr Dialogue 

Mission Entrance:

Sir Bedwyr: Come, there is little time!

After Defeating Lord Lorn:

Sir Bedwyr: Gah!
Sir Bedwyr: I... I'm too weak to fight on...


Lord Lorn: What poison did Bedwyr whisper to turn you against me?!
Pendragon: Truth and honor. Two things I stole from him a long time ago...
Lord Lorn: What are you saying?
Pendragon: It was not Bedwyr who tried to steal the heart of your queen, my lord.
Black Queen: No... Don't...
Lord Lorn: What?!
Pendragon: It was me.
Lord Lorn: And why do you speak of this now, traitor?
Lord Lorn: So you can gloat over the ruin you have wrought on this once great Order?
Pendragon: No, my Lord. I am trying to save it.
Lord Lorn: Without loyalty there is no Order to save!
Pendragon: Then I do it to save the queen.
Pendragon: Bedwyr and the Outsider have discovered evidence that she is somehow integral to the Talons plot to open the Eternal Prison.
Lord Lorn: Is that so..?
Black Queen: I... I know not of what Pendragon speaks...
Pendragon: My Lord, I know this is difficult to hear-
Lord Lorn: Difficult?
Lord Lorn: This is not difficult at all, old friend.
Lord Lorn: I just have to do what I should have done years ago.
Lord Lorn: Namely, put your head on a spike!
Black Queen: Lorn, no!
Lord Lorn: And then place her head beside yours!
Black Queen: *Gasp*
Pendragon: I will see you dead before you harm her!
Lord Lorn: And I will gladly die before I let this Order's honor be further stained by the two of you!
Lord Lorn: If I am to save the Order then I must cut off the rotten limbs!
Lord Lorn: Defend yourself, Pendragon, and let none interfere!
Pendragon: If it must come to this then so be it!

Lord Lorn Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Lord Lorn: Nobody interfere.
Lord Lorn: I will deal with the Outsider personally!

To Pendragon:

Lord Lorn: You are beaten!

Upon Defeat:

Lord Lorn: Knights! Help me...
Armiger: Yes, my lord!

Final Black Queen Dialogue 

The Black Queen: Finally... I have waited for this day for a long time, my Lord...
The Black Queen: Now DIE!
Lord Lorn: GAAAAAH!!!
Sir Bedwyr: Noooo!
The Black Queen: Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
The Black Queen: Pendragon, my love.
The Black Queen: Now that Lorn is dead we can finally be together...
Sir Pendragon: What have you done?!
The Black Queen: There is no need to hide your feelings any longer, my love.
The Black Queen: Now you can take your rightful place by my side.
The Black Queen: Isn't that what you wanted?
Sir Pendragon: Lorn threatened to kill you!
Sir Pendragon: I never wanted to take his place as head of the Order!
The Black Queen: Ha ha ha ha ha...
The Black Queen: I didn't say YOU would be head of the Order, Pendragon.
The Black Queen: By marriage that honor falls to me...
The Black Queen: And with it comes the authority to open the Eternal Prison.
Sir Pendragon: It was you!
Sir Bedwyr: No... Why?
Sir Pendragon: You were working for the Talons this whole time?!
The Black Queen: Such a handsome boy, but not very bright.
The Black Queen: What a pity. You were a good lover, but, your part has been played and you are no longer of any use to me.
Sir Pendragon: You'll not get away with this!
The Black Queen: It's far too late for you to be the strong hero, Pendragon.
The Black Queen: Everyone here is dead by your hand, or the hands of a traitor and an Outsider.
The Black Queen: The Black Knights follow me now...
Sir Pendragon: I... I have betrayed my oaths, I have betrayed my master, and I have betrayed myself.
Sir Bedwyr: Pendragon...
The Black Queen: Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
Sir Pendragon: Bedwyr, Character...
Sir Pendragon: I am fit to be a Black Knight no longer.
Sir Pendragon: Take my shield and take my sword. Until I have found my true calling, I shall not need them anymore.
Sir Bedwyr: I understand well the burden of dishonor...
Sir Bedwyr: Only you can redeem yourself, for it is through ones own eyes where true honor is judged.
Sir Bedwyr: Good luck on your quest, and know that I shall not rest until the honor of the Black Knights is restored.


Upon completing the mission, you will be awarded the The Once and Future King Badge.

{{#ask:The Once and Future King Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} The Once and Future King

You helped set Pendragon down the path of righteousness. While he may walk the mists of Praetoria for years, his soul has been redeemed and his freedom from Night Ward ensured.


I still cannot believe that the Black Queen was working with the Talons this entire time. With Lorn dead the means of opening the Eternal Prison has now passed on to her. She can open the prison, Character, and release all kinds of evil upon Night Ward. But I fear there is something even more sinister at work here that we can't see yet.

I must concentrate on rallying those Knights still free of the Black Queen's control. They must know the truth of things. However, perhaps there is someone who can help you. A mysterious magician with no name.